博梅德控制阀门(上海)有限公司 公司简介
以色列伯尔梅特控制阀门制造公司是世界上最著名的水力自控阀门制造商之一。以色列伯尔梅特控制阀门制造公司长期致力于阀门及水力自控的研究、开发与生产制造,产品广泛应用于工业系统、市政给排水系统、高层建筑供水及石油化工、电力、污水处理、采矿、农田水利灌溉等领域。目前在世界上60多个国家及地区拥有代表处及代理网络。以色列伯尔梅特控制阀门制造公司于2008年在中国成立独资公司-博梅德控制阀门(上海)有限公司,在经营的两年中业绩稳步攀升,在中国市场将有很大的发展.\n公司网址:http://www.bermad.com.cn\nBermad - Water Control Solutions\nFor 45 years, Bermad has been the recognized pioneer and world leading provider of high quality Hydraulic Control Valves. Incorporating advanced flow control technologies, Bermad\"s best of breed solutions have proven themselves in every level of the irrigation, water works and fire protection industries.\nToday, Bermad\"s tailor-made solutions help global customers meet the challenges of the 21st century, delivering superior performance over a long service life at the most competitive price.\nOur Advantages - Operational Efficiency & Outstanding Reliability\nBermad\"s products benefit from decades of expertise and experience in the development, design and manufacture of Hydraulic Control Valves. Our wide range of state-of-the-art solutions provides highest operational efficiency and utmost reliability, offering unequalled operational quality.\nBermad - Water Control Solutions\nFor 45 years, Bermad has been the recognized pioneer and world leading provider of high quality Hydraulic Control Valves. Incorporating advanced flow control technologies, Bermad\"s best of breed solutions have proven themselves in every level of the irrigation, water works and fire protection industries.\nToday, Bermad\"s tailor-made solutions help global customers meet the challenges of the 21st century, delivering superior performance over a long service life at the most competitive price.\nOur Advantages - Operational Efficiency & Outstanding Reliability\nBermad\"s products benefit from decades of expertise and experience in the development, design and manufacture of Hydraulic Control Valves. Our wide range of state-of-the-art solutions provides highest operational efficiency and utmost reliability, offering unequalled operational quality.\nBermad - Water Control Solutions\nFor 45 years, Bermad has been the recognized pioneer and world leading provider of high quality Hydraulic Control Valves. Incorporating advanced flow control technologies, Bermad\"s best of breed solutions have proven themselves in every level of the irrigation, water works and fire protection industries.\nToday, Bermad\"s tailor-made solutions help global customers meet the challenges of the 21st century, delivering superior performance over a long service life at the most competitive price.\nOur Advantages - Operational Efficiency & Outstanding Reliability\nBermad\"s products benefit from decades of expertise and experience in the development, design and manufacture of Hydraulic Control Valves. Our wide range of state-of-the-art solutions provides highest operational efficiency and utmost reliability, offering unequalled operational quality.
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