杭州三花研究院有限公司 公司简介
三花控股集团是一家集科研、生产、销售、投资等为一体的大型民营企业,现拥有资产约80亿元,员工约13000人。公司自1984年创业以来,业已形成制冷自控元器件、汽车零部件、房地产三大产业,先后荣获国家级高新技术企业、全国质量奖、中国名牌、中国驰名商标、中国500最具价值品牌等荣誉,是全球最大的空调、汽车空调制冷零部件企业之一。公司产品远销美国、欧洲、东南亚等地区,是全球制冷空调厂商、汽车空调制造厂商如松下、大金、夏普、开利、特灵、LG、三星、格力、美的、海尔、法雷奥、德尔福等企业的长期合作伙伴。\n杭州三花研究院有限公司下设两大部门,即:中央研究院和通产机械。\n中央研究院是三花控股集团根据企业战略规划于2009年成立的科研类公司,是三花集团的科研孵化器,致力于整合全球制冷空调自控元器件产业资源以及三花内部技术资源。下设制冷空调研究所、汽车空调研究所、清洁技术研究所、智能电控研究所四个单元。同时,研究院还有三花控股集团各产业公司技术服务、技术支持、人才输出等职能,是三花控股集团核心战略发展单元之一。\n通产机械,即杭州通产机械有限公司,以具有国际领先水平的发明专利产品ALT系列检漏仪为起点,自主研发、生产制造各种先进可靠的汽车零部件检测设备,并为汽车与制冷等行业提供专业解决方案。现已有以检漏仪为基础的气密性检测设备,以自动化控制为基础的各种性能测试设备,并将迅速成长为国内最大的汽车零部件检测设备的生产开发商。2013年起,工业机器人系列产品研制成功,能够稳定的长时间无故障运行,可广泛应用于运动搬运、装配、焊接、喷涂等工业现场中。\n目前,三花研究院业已成为一家拥有各类科研人员近200人,其中外籍专家8名,博士及博士后11名,硕士近40名的高新技术企业。\n公司虚位以待,真诚邀请您的加盟!\nSanhua Holding Group is a large-scale private enterprise with scientific research, manufacture, sales and investment as its business scope. It has about 80 billion assets and 13,000 employees. Since founded in 1984, the company has been formed refrigerant auto components, auto parts, real estate those three major industries. It has won the national high-tech enterprises Prize, the National Quality Award, Chinese famous brand, Chinese well-known trademarks, China\"s 500 most valuable brands and other honor. Sanhua Holding Group is one of the largest air-conditioning, automotive air conditioning and refrigeration parts enterprises in the world. The company\"s products are exported to the United States, Europe, Southeast Asia and other regions. It has won long-term-partner relationship with global refrigeration and air-conditioning manufacturers, automotive air conditioning manufacturers such as Panasonic, Daikin, Sharp, Carrier, Trane, LG, Samsung, Gree, Midea, Haier, Valeo Delphi and ect..\nSanhua R&D Center which also known as Hangzhou Sanhua R&D Center Ltd., Co. was established in 2009 as a team member of Sanhua Holding Group company. The Center had built up based on corporate strategic plan. As the research incubator, the Center is committed to integrate of global refrigerant auto controlled air-conditioning components industry resources and Sanhua internal technical resources. There are four units under the Institute which are Refrigeration and Air Conditioning dept., Automotive Air Conditioning dept., Clean technology dept., Smart electric control dept.. As a core strategic development unit, it also carries the functions as technical services, technical support and talented human resource output for other members in Sanhua Holding Group.
公司地点:杭州经济技术开发区12号大街289-2号 三花工业园 中央研究院
联 系 人:陈晓丽